Configuring New Outgoing Communication Channel

In order to implement the HTTPSOut channel class and the GUI class named HTTPSOutPanel, you must add them to the system using the Partner Administration Tool.

Configuring New Outgoing Communication Channel

  1. On Partner Admin Tool menu, click Manage > Advanced.
  2. Click on Send Protocols tab, and then click New.
  3. On Create new send protocol object window, type the protocol name, Send Class and UI Class.

    You can now create the following channel classes: HTTPSOut channel class and the GUI class named HTTPSOutPanel.

  4. Click OK, Close.
  5. Go to the Manage > Communication tab.
  6. Click on Send tab and click New to create a new Send object.
  7. On Create new send object window, define the Channel configuration, Basic configuration, and Unique File name fields.
  8. Click OK to save the new configuration.