Executing XML Detection Using the MVX Target Group

Use this procedure to execute XML detection using the MVX target group.

  1. On Partner Admin Tool, select an agreement.
  2. Click the Detection tab.
  3. Select the Target Group MVX_X_Y.

    The detection you select depends on how many values you use in previous EC. In this example we use two sender values (CONO and DIVI) and one receive value (CUNO).

    In this example, we will select the MVX_S2_R1 target group.

  4. Click the MVX body XPath to automatically fill in the input field.
  5. Add the target values, specify this information:

    Add the M3 environment, for example MVXCENV.


    Add the address to the M3 server, for example SEIRD400 or an IP address.


    Specify the name of the M3 program that generated the initiator, for example (OIS606PF).


    Specify the sender reference field 1, for example CONO.


    Specify the sender reference field 2, for example DIVI.


    Specify the sender reference field 3.


    Specify the receiver reference field, for example CUNO.


    Specify the receiver reference field 2.


    Specify the receiver reference field 3.


    If you leave an empty target value, the agreement is detected.

  6. Save the Detection.