Adding a subscription

Use this procedure to add a subscription for the MECEventHubSubcriber channel.

Note: After you create a subscription, edit and then assign the subscription to a MECEventHubSubcriber channel.

See Deleting and editing subscriptions.

  1. In Partner Admin tool, select Manage > Event Hub Subscriptions > New.

    The Create new EventHub subscription window is displayed.

  2. Specify this information:

    Specify a descriptive subscription name.


    Specify a brief description.


    Specify a predicate indicating that a subscriber is to receive a particular event.

    Use this subscription format:

    <Publisher>":"<DocumentName>[":"[<operation char>][":"[("true"|"false")][":"[<priority>]]]]

    For example: M3:MITMAS:C::P1

    Variable Definition and example
    <operation char> :C|U|D|S|X|F|Q|R
    <priority> P1 P2 P3

    Event priorities take place in the Event Hub’s out queue for the EC subscriber.

    [("true" | "false")]

    The [("true" | "false")] part for guaranteed event sequence will soon be implemented.

    Note: This is currently not supported in EventHub.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Verify that the new EventHub Subscription is included in the list.
  5. Close the window and exit.