Suggest Items to Override table

When exporting agreements, you can view the Suggest Items to Override table. Each row in the table represents a property used by one or more agreements which can be overridden.

Suggest Items to Override properties Description
Type Collectively describes the set of data shown in the row
Property Name

The name of an instance of a particular type


A type can have many instances. Each instance can be identified by its property name.

Property Key A parameter of an instance that has an associated value which is a variable
Current Value The value that is currently associated with a property key. A current value becomes the default value when the property is eligible for override. See Review Suggested Overrides table.
Agreement Hits Indicates the number of agreements using a particular property. It can also mean the number of times a property is used in an agreement.
Suggest Override Value Specifying a value in this field in a particular property makes the property eligible for an override
Is Override Required Checking this field means that the property is eligible for an override. It also means that the Suggest Override Value must be modified.

Guidelines for suggesting a property override

Suggest Override Value is Override Required Meaning Is property eligible for an override?
Blank Unchecked No need for property to be changed No
Blank Checked Property must be changed but no suggested value is provided Yes
A different value Unchecked Changing the property is not required. The agreement importer may consider the suggested override value. Yes
A different value Checked Changing the property is required. The agreement importer may consider the suggested override value. Yes

Suggest Items to Override UI

Properties Definition
Filter items by types Specify a filter from the drop down list to view properties by type . To view all properties, choose the empty filter.
Search Keys

Performs a search on the keys of all properties that are currently displayed in the override table

Search Values Performs a search on the values of the properties that are currently displayed on the override table
OK Notes suggested property overrides and proceeds in supplying the exported agreements with these property overrides
Cancel Proceeds in exporting agreements without supplying override suggestions