Namespaces in CheckOrder and DAFArchive

CheckOrder and DAF Archive process steps use XPath to identify XML elements where namespaces can also be used. Unlike in XML Detection, when you specify the Xpath you must define a unique prefix for the XML elements that belong to the "Default Namespace".

In this example, we will retrieve the value for the element env:address, where the value is: "this is detected!".

<?xml version ="1.0"?>
<Envelope xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" MBM_Test_20_in.xsd">
          <env:address>this is detected!</address>

In CheckOrder, use this example to specify the namespaces information:

  • Default Namespace: http//

  • Default Namespace prefix: default

  • Xpath: /default:Envelope/default:Header/env:delivery/env:from/env:address

In DAF Archive and DAF Basic Data, use the CheckOrder example to specify the namespaces information. The DAF Archive, DAF Basic Data, and CheckOrder namespace fields and field values are the same.

See Creating a DAF connection and Basic Data, Creating DAF Archive process.