Mapping elements overview

At the start, a mapping contains only input and output document elements. Your task is to describe how the input document is translated to the output document by defining the complete transformation process. You describe the translation by adding a sequence of functions and linking them to the input and output document elements.

The function sequence is executed from top to bottom every time an XML document is transformed. In this process, data values are fetched from linked input elements, processed, and then sent to linked output elements, constituting the output document.

Use these guidelines in defining the transformation sequence:

  • Create a transformation.

    You create transformation by adding a sequence of function elements in the space between the input and output document trees.

  • Create links between document elements and function elements.

  • Create links between function elements.

  • Create links between variables or constants, and functions or documents elements.

Note: For EC, output document is not mandatory. For example, in many inbound M3 messages no output document is used because the data is stored in M3 by calling M3 APIs in the sequence, there is no response message required.