Creating a mapping

  1. In the Mapping Explorer view, select a project to contain this mapping.

    Right-click the project, select New Mapping....

  2. Specify this information:

    Specify the project name.

    At the start, if you right-click a project, the Project

    To specify another project, click the browse button for the field is automatically populated from the project that you selected.Project field. Click OK.

    Mapping name

    Specify a descriptive name for this mapping.

    Default name: MyMapping

    Input Schema

    This is a required field with a default schema name: DefaultInput.

    To accept the default input schema, click the Default button for the Input schema (mandatory) field.

    To change the default input schema, click the Browse button for the Input schema (mandatory) field. Click Open.

    Output Schema

    This is an optional field with a default schema name: DefaultOutput.

    To accept the default output schema, click the Default field is automatically populated from button for the Output schema (optional) field.

    To change the default output schema, click the Browse button for the Output schema (optional) field. Click Open.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Select a root element for the input and output schemas.

    The input and output schemas may contain multiple element definitions. Select a root element for the input data structure and a root element for the output data structure.

    For example:

    Default Element IN_TAG_ROOT

    Default Namespace

  5. Click Finish.

    In the Mapping Console view, the status of the new mapper and error messages, if any, are displayed.

    In the Mapping Explorer view, the new mapping is listed under the project where it belongs. To view the contents of your new mapping, expand the nodes under the project folder.

    When successfully completed , the new mapping is added to your selected project. On the Mapping Editor area, the input schema in the left pane and the output schema in the right pane are shown. The space in the middle is for a sequence of mapping functions that you will add later on.