Mapping context menus

Depending on the level of information that you want to display or work on, you can use the Mapper context menus to help you complete mapping tasks.

Here are the options in the Mapping Editor context menu:

Menu option Description
Properties To show the properties
Mapping Console To show the Mapping Console
Hide or show Variables and Constants To either hide or show all assigned variables and constants.
Hide or Show Unconnected Parameters To either hide or show unconnected function parameters.
Expand All

Select Expand All to expand the complete mapping.


You have to collapse all loops, functions and document nodes one-by-one if you want to collapse an expanded mapping.

Show In Mapping Explorer

To find the mapping in the Mapping Explorer view.

Select Show In Mapping Explorer to find the current mapping in the Mapping Explorer view.

Sometimes when you have a lot of mappings having similar names, and maybe also several mappings having the same name but in different projects, it is very handy to be able to find the current mapping in the Mapping Explorer view.

Here are the options in the input and output document's context menu:

Menu options Description
Hide or Show Unconnected Elements To either hide or show unconnected elements and attributes in the document.
Expand or Collapse Document

To display complete input/output tree view

  1. Select input or output document.

  2. Select an element view option.

    • Select Expand Document to show all connected schema elements in the tree, plus all schema elements that you have expanded while editing the mapping.

    • Select Collapse Document to show only the top two level elements of the tree.

Set Width (%)

To set the width of the document areas.

  1. Select input or output document > Set Width.

  2. Optionally, you can select Default.

    The width of both the input and output document areas is set to 20% each, with the remaining 60% for the mapping area. The percentage corresponds to the default value 20 60 20 for the mapping property Mapping.Layout. These settings are stored with the mapping.

Use these rules for the width option:

  • Minimum document width is 15%. Less than 15% is not usable.

  • Maximum document width is 50%. More than 50% in one area makes the two other areas too narrow.

  • Minimum width for the mapping area is 20%. Less than 20% is not usable.

  • Total width for input document area + mapping area + output document area must always be equal to 100%.

Because of these rules, some widths are dependent on the width setting of other document areas.