Adding Boolean function

Use this procedure to add boolean function in a mapping. Also known as a "loop controlling function", UBJ function controls the loop iterations. This function can be dropped on a loop. There can only be one boolean function within a loop and it must be the first in the loop's sequence.

Note: The methods for UBJ and UVJ functions are almost the same, except that the UBJ function outputs a Boolean value, as well as output parameter values. Although, you define the criteria by writing Java code in the same way.

See Function elements overview.

  1. Double-click a mapping to open it in the Mapper Editor.
  2. From the Core Functions pane, click and drag Boolean in your mapping.

    Drop it in the space inside a loop to add a UBJ function.

    The loop will automatically get the condition "Execute ONCE if function is TRUE". You can see this by the changed loop icon. If you want the loop to repeat many times you need to change the loop's condition to "Execute WHILE function is TRUE".

    Note: When connecting elements, you can drop elements only where it is acceptable.
  3. Add input parameters to receive input data.

    With the parameters you can now receive input data through links.

  4. Define the processing to be done by the function.
  5. Save the function in the Java Editor and in the Mapping Editor.
    Note: Changes must be saved in both Java Editor and Mapping Editor in order to save the changes made in your mapping.