Set the EC Server data source

Use this procedure to set the database in EC application.

  1. On the EC Configuration page, click the Edit Properties. link.
  2. In the Application Defined Properties list, scroll down to Database group and expand the view.
  3. Perform these steps for every property to configure in this group.
    1. Click the value link across the property to update.
    2. On the Edit Property window, specify a new value.

      See the table below for the property value guidelines.

    3. Click Update Property.

      Use these guidelines:

      Property Description

      This is a JDBC driver that is used to communicate with the database.

      Data is:


      Specify the connection parameters.


      Data: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://


      Specify a value for this property only if you are using a trusted connection.

      Data is 0


      Specify a case sensitive user name to connect to the database.

      Data is Usr

      Database.ConnectionPool.Password Specify a case sensitive password to connect to the database.

      Specify a case sensitive database name.

      Data is MEC_Storage

      Database.ConnectionPool.Schema Specify a case sensitive schema name.

      Use this to remove inactive pools which are not used for RemoveInactivePoolsTimeout.

      Data is: True

  4. Save the changes.
    MEC displays the status of the database in the server user interface. This covers issues when the database becomes unavailable or the system goes down. When the database transaction logs are full, the database becomes unusable but this still appears as OK in the database state in the UI.