Adding class files

  1. Access the Local Management page view of the node where to add custom files.
  2. Click the Custom Files link.

    If adding class files to specific sub-folder, from the table list click the link to the directory hierarchy.

  3. Click Add file.
  4. Browse to the folder location containing the custom files to upload.

    For custom class files, select the .class file, then click Open. Class files must be in the folder path corresponding to the package.

    For JAR files, select the .jar file, then click Open. Jar files must be in the root directory of the "Custom Files" page.

    For example: D:\LifeCycle\\grid\DEV-Grid-EC-11430\grids\DEV-Grid-EC-11430\applications\EC_11430\MecServer\custom

  5. Click Upload.
  6. Restart EC Application for changes to take effect.