Setting ProxyTimeout and Date Format
- On the EC Configuration page, click the Edit Properties link.
- In the Application Defined Properties list scroll down to the ProxyTimeout group and expand the view.
Select a property to configure, then click the value across the property and specify a new value. After every configured property value click Update Property.
Use these guidelines:
Property Description ArchiveMethodsProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from archive page, indexQueryPage, searchArchivePage ProxyFactory.defaulTimeout
The default timeout to be applied for all proxies obtained from ProxyFactory MessageMethods.Proxy.timeout
For proxy calls involving agreement redetect/retry/verify actions DataTranslatorProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from DataTranslatorRemoteControl page LogMethodsProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from
downloadMessageLogsPage, logPage, LogQueryResultPage, viewMessageLogsPage
For proxy calls from message Detail page ChannelDelegatorProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from comChannelPage, channelPauseResumeUIHelper ScheduleProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from schedulelist page CentralSettingsProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from advancedSearchPage ComTabProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from APIPoolPage, poolPage, threadPoolPage BackuphandlerProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from backUpRestorePage StatusHandlerProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from defaultPage MapGenProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from defaultPage ModuleControlProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from defaultPage NodeInfoProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from defaultPage DocAccessorProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from
downloadStreamProvider page, messageDetailPage, viewFilePage
For proxy calls from errorReportPage LoggersMgmBroadcastProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from LogConfigurationPage ArchiveHandlerProxy.timeout
For proxy calls from storeFilesPage - In the Application Defined Properties list scroll down to the DateFormat group and expand the view.
Click the value link across the
property. -
Specify a string data for the
property.Use the format: MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss.SSS aaa
This property shows a pattern describing the date and time format shown in grid UI.
- Click Update Property.
- Save the changes.