Clearing cache

M3 API cache is used to hasten the publishing of mapping without the need to frequently connect to the M3 API. The Clear Cache link clears all the cache used in publishing the M3 API mapping. Use this link when the existing cache is inconsistent or not up-to-date with the live M3 API metadata and to avoid frequent restart of MapGen node.

When the BE Server is updated, the MI metadata could change. Then, MapGen M3 API/MI must also be updated. Clear the API cache to ensures that the new metadata is updated. Clear the cache to prevent error caused by mismatched metadata when publishing mappings. For example, program/field does not exist.

Before you invoke clear cache, you must ensure that MapGen is running for changes to take effect. If MapGen is not running, no need to invoke clear cache.

  1. Access the Utilities > MapGen M3 API/MI Reload Cached Metadata.
  2. Click Clear Cache.

    Use this guidelines:

    If the M3 API cache is empty and you click Clear Cache, a message is displayed indicating specific areas where cache is cleared.

    If MEC MapGen is not running, no need to clear cache. You need to run MapGen node.

  3. Click "Republish All Mappings" for M3 API MI to cache.
  4. If you invoke "Republish All Mappings", and there are Mappings with API references, you can now clear the M3 API cache.

    Click Clear Cache.

    If there is cache to clear in M3 API, a message shows the number of cache cleared.