Processing failed message

  1. Access the EC Management page, click the Message link.
  2. Click the Retry/Redetect link.

    The view shows a table list of all failed messages except for the messages in Received failed and Messages Rejected states.

  3. In the State field, select a filter option from the drop down list.

    Here are the available options: All failed states, Delegate received failed, Detect failed, Send failed, and XML transform failed.

  4. Click Filter.
  5. Perform these message tasks from this page:
    • To process all messages in the current view:

      Click Redetect All, the failed messages are reprocessed from the start.

      Click Retry All, the failed messages are reprocessed from the point of stoppage, going forward.

      Click Verify All, the messages are tagged as finished and no further action is performed.

    • To process selected message in the table list:

      Click Retry, the failed messages are reprocessed from the point of stoppage, going forward.

      Click Redetect, the failed messages are reprocessed from the start.


    Retried and redetected messages are removed from the table list. The table list is updated to include messages with new status

  6. Click OK.