Schedule types

There are schedule task types in EC for channels, windows services, error aggregation, and maintenance. For tasks with the same execution time, the Priority field value determines the order of execution. For example:

For tasks scheduled to run every hour, the tasks marked Priority 1 is run first.

For tasks scheduled to run every <x> minute, the minute interval is reset every hour and does not spill over to the next hour.


Here are the channel schedule types:

  • Channel Pause Resume schedules when to pause and resume incoming channels.

  • Channel Pause schedules when to pause incoming channels.

  • Channel Start/Resume schedules when to start/resume incoming channels.

Channel states are EC controlled. When you restart EC Application, the channels that are scheduled to pause remain on pause.

To supersede the scheduled channel pause, you must manually pause or resume a channel.

Service Stop Start

Use this to schedule when to stop and start the Windows service. When you restart MECServer Service, all services that are scheduled to be "ONLINE" are started, and all services that are scheduled to be "OFFLINE" are stopped.

To supersede the scheduled Service stop/start, manually invoke a start/stop for that service.

The Purge Error Suppressed Document combo box is selected by default. This setting will remove all the Error Suppress Report based on the "days old" field value.

Error Aggregation

Use this to schedule the aggregation (summarized) of all the Business error messages based on the Agreement's Error Suppressed definition. This task includes creating the Suppressed Error Report (document) and sending of e-mail, if the optional e-mail recipient field is configured. Otherwise, the recipient will be the same with the e-mail recipient defined in PA tool.


Use this to schedule when to run maintenance tasks. EC Management page overview.

Note that if both Maintenance and Aggregation tasks have the same execution time, scheduler will prioritize the Aggregation task, then run the Maintenance task after.

Sample scenarios

Scenario Setting / Behavior

Offline schedule is every Saturday 1PM and runs for 1 minute.

This scheduling is set in PA.

  • Default DiskIn is set to Pause/Resume.

  • Service ABC is set to Stop/Start.

Case 1 (normal scenario):

EC is running.

  • Default DiskIn will Pause at 1PM and Resume at 1:01PM.

  • Service ABC will Stop at 1PM and Resume at 1:01PM.

Case 2:

EC is shutdown at 12noon and manually started at 2PM.

  • Default DiskIn is started (default behavior).

  • Service ABC EC will start this service because based on schedule service it should be started.

Case 3:

EC is shutdown 10 seconds after 1PM and manually started at 2PM.

  • Default DiskIn is Paused just before the shutdown because of the schedule.

    On startup, Default DiskIn is started (default behavior).

  • Service ABC is stopped just before shutdown because of the schedule.

    On startup, EC starts Service ABC.

Case 4:

EC is shutdown at 12noon and started 30 seconds after 1PM.

  • On startup, Default DiskIn is not started.

    According to schedule, it is still offline. Default DiskIn will start at 1:01PM on schedule.

  • On startup, Service ABC is stopped.

    According to schedule, it is still offline. Service ABC will start at 1:01PM on schedule.

Case 5:

Default Disk is (Manually) Paused and Service ABC is (Manually) stopped at 12noon.

  • Default DiskIn - is set to Resume at 1:01PM.

  • Service ABC - is set to Start at 1:01PM.


EC does not keep track of manual pause/stop.