Set the Message ID Controller

To ensure that a message is not processed more than once, you must configure the properties that control the conditions and method of processed message IDs that are stored in memory.

Use these guidelines:

  • If the ID equals the hash sum of the message, the IDs are stored in the database.

    That is, if two documents are equal to each other and if the file bytes sizes are the same.

  • If the ID is already stored, the document is rejected.

    That is, when the ID controller is active, the hash sum will be calculated for an incoming file and it is matched to the IDs stored in the database. And, if the ID is already stored, the document will be rejected.

Use this procedure for every DocIDController property value to update.

  1. On the EC Configuration page, click the Edit Properties link.
  2. In the Application Defined Properties list, scroll down to the DocIDController group and expand the view.
  3. To set the message ID controller, click the value link across the property to update.
  4. On the Edit Property window, specify a new value.

    Use these guidelines:

    Property Description

    This property toggles the Message ID controller function. The valid values are 0=disable and 1=enable.

    If this property is set to 0 (disable), other Message ID controller properties will be ignored.

    Default data is 0


    Specifies the expiration in number of days. For example, if you specify 30, when the EC server is started, all IDs older than 30 days will be deleted.

    Default data is 30


    Specifies the folder path to contain the documents rejected by DocIDController. This is relative to the Central File folder.

    Default data is ./Archive/rejected

  5. Click Update Property.
  6. Save the changes.