Set the Error Message Archive

Configure the properties that control the error message archive to be able to store error messages.

Before you can configure any property value in this group, you must be logged in as an administrator.

Use this procedure for every DocErrorHandler property value to update.

  1. On the EC Configuration page, click the Edit Properties. link.
  2. In the Application Defined Properties list, scroll down to the DocErrorHandler group and expand the view.
  3. To set the DocErrorHandler property values, click the value link across the property to update.
  4. On the Edit Property window, specify a new value.

    Use these guidelines:

    Property Description

    Specify whether to save the generated error reports into a disk.

    Default data is 1, where 1=on, and 0=off.


    Specify the path to contain error report archive. This is relative to Central File folder.

    Data is archive\\ErrorReport


    Specify the extension name for generated error message file.

    Data is html


    Specify the name of the xslt file for creating error message files.

    Data is Error_Msg_Html.xsl

  5. Click Update Property.
  6. Save the changes.