Creating web links

  1. Open the program from which the link must be created.
  2. Select Tools > Link Manager.
  3. In the New Link, step 1 of 2 window, specify this information:

    Specify a title for the link that you are creating.


    Select Web from the list.

  4. Click Next.
  5. In the New Link, step 2 of 2 window, specify this information:

    Specify the web address to which the program must be linked.

    M3 Transactions

    Select a field to be used as the search string and click Add. The selected field is added as a key value in the URL.

    New Window

    Select the check box to open the link in a new window.

    Some websites do not open in a separate frame, for example, Google. In such cases, you must select New Window to force web sites to be displayed in a separate window.

  6. Click Finish.

    In the Link Manager window, verify that the new link is added to the list.