Changing SchemaIn and SchemaOut version

You can update a mapping’s input and output schema versions under the mapping properties in IEC Mapper. You can use this function to specify the version of the schema in the mapping file for saving.

Note: If you need to change the SchemaIn and SchemaOut version, you must update the mapping version.
  1. Open the mapping file on the mapping editor.
  2. Click the Properties tab.
  3. Specify the versions on these fields:
    Mapping version
    Shows the current version of the mapping
    Shows the current version of the input schema
    Shows the current version of the output schema
  4. Save the mapping.
  5. Right-click on the mapping editor.
  6. Click Publish.
  7. Specify the server location and click Finish.
    If the mapping to be modified with an updated schema version is already existing in the server, you must increment the mapping version to save the updated schema versions. You cannot save the updated schema versions if you only overwrite the existing mapping with the same mapping version.