Document name is not valid error

When you get a ‘Send Failed’ status, you may get “Document name is not valid:” if there are missing manifest items needed by the agreement and the mapping.

To solve this issue, set the document names.

The properties are checked in this priority order:
  1. map:ionDocumentName
  2. agr:ionDocumentName
  3. map:ionBODType
  4. agr:ionBODType

If a property exists, then the rest of the properties are skipped and the existing value is used.


Create a mapping and add in function.

For example:
private void function() throws Throwable {
	logWarn("Manifest Info");
	setManifestInfo("map:ionDocumentName", "Get.Catalog");
	setManifestInfo(ManifestConstants.MAP_ION_FROM_LOGICAL_ID, "lid://infor.m3.m3devapp:mec");


In Mapper, add the property in the Control Properties tab. You can also modify the agreement if the property already exists in the agreement.


Create a mapping and add in function.

For example:
private void function() throws Throwable {
	logWarn("Document Name based on ionBODType Map Level");
	setManifestInfo(ManifestConstants.MAP_ION_BOD_TYPE, "Get.Catalog");


In Mapper, add the property in the Control Properties tab. You can also modify the agreement if the property already exists in the agreement.