Customer direct debiting


Direct debiting is a reversed customer payment process. The supplier is given the authority from the customer to withdraw the relevant amount from the customer’s bank account on the due date. The process follows this logic:

  1. The invoice must show this text: ‘Do not pay this invoice – it will be paid according to direct debiting’.
  2. Before the due date, the supplier asks the bank to withdraw the amount from the customer’s account on the due date. This operation is performed though an electronic message.
  3. The supplier receives the cash through another electronic message from the bank in the ordinary cash receipts function.
For domestic payments, direct debiting is performed using the Bankgiro file formats. Invoices can also be remitted through the Bankgirot clearing system.

For giro payment methods, a valid direct debit agreement must exist before payments are recovered.

M3 solution

Customer payments can be collected through BankGiro direct debiting. The existence of a valid direct debiting mandate within ‘Direct Debiting Agreement. Open’ (ARS450) is checked.

The bank remittance proposal, created in ‘Bank Remittance. Open’ (ARS300), is used to select the invoices and credit invoices that are to be included within a direct debit remittance run. On update of the proposal, a detailed electronic payment file is created using Infor Localization Services GEMS and remittance documents are produced.

Confirmation is received from the bank and any failed collections can be deleted and communicated, using a standard letter, to the customer. Confirmed payments are reconciled.

The BankGiro message for electronic customer payments is delivered with this country version. For this country version, this message has been adapted, as made available in Infor Localization Services GEMS, ‘Customer Direct Debits – 100019’: ‘SE – Debit Transfer BankGiro’.

Configuration guidelines

Program ID Program name Description or comment
ARS050 Payment Received. Open Standard Letter To inform customers of failed collections, create a standard letter of type 1.
ARS300 Bank Remittance. Open Create a proposal. To create the output file, confirm the proposal.

See the Infor M3 Core Configuration Guide for Infor Localization Services GEMS for the detailed configuration guidelines for the applicable message.