Fixed asset impairments – IAS 36


If the current market value of a fixed asset is lower than its net book value, then the company must adjust the carrying value of the asset to reflect the lower market value. To identify the possibility of such book adjustments, the company must create an impairment test for all relevant assets.

M3 solution

There may be an external indication to the company that the value of an asset has fallen. Alternatively, to help determine which assets must be impaired, the reacquisition value is calculated at year end by ‘Annual Run. Perform’ (FAS190), using price index tables. This indexed value is then compared against the current net book value. If the reacquisition value is lower than the net book value, then an additional depreciation adjustment must be booked to reflect the impairment write-down.

As soon as the requirement for impairment is apparent, an extraordinary depreciation is created by ‘FA Depreciation. Create Extraordinary’ (FAS140) for each fixed asset that is affected.

Configuration guidelines

Program ID Program name Description or comment
FAS090 Cost of Capital Method. Open Define a method for the cost of capital. Assign this method to the fixed assets that may require impairment using the fixed asset type or the fixed asset directly.
CRS395 Accounting Rule. Set Accounting rules FA30 520 and FA30 530 are used for the impairment of fixed assets, to post the results of the extraordinary depreciation.
CRS405 FAM Function. Open Configure FAM functions FA20 and FA30.
FAS915 Settings - Cost of Capital Calculation Select the Upd history (Update history) check box.

Set the Value Type field to 60-Cost of Capital.



Column Template - Display FA. Open

Column Template FA Value. Open

Create templates to display the carrying amount, the fair value, and the value in use of the assets.

Create templates to determine that only fixed assets whose carrying amount is greater than the recoverable amount are to be printed.

FAS060 FA Value Type. Open To store the impairment adjustment.
FAS140 FA Depreciation. Create Extraordinary To book the accounting adjustment.
FAS200 Fixed Asset. Display To display the impairment value.
FAS510 Fixed Asset. Print Values To print asset and impairment values.