Configuration guidelines for ‘ICMS Tax Rate per Item/FU. Open’ (CRBR08) – ICMS rate per item and UF

The CFOP is checked first to determine whether tax is applied or not, then the corresponding rate is retrieved from (CRBR08). If no rate is found, then the rate is searched in (CRBR04), (CRBR01), (CRBR07), or (MNS100) until it is found.

Specify this information:

Field Value or comment
Item number Specify the item number.
Federation unit Specify the UF.
ICMS percentage Specify the ICMS percentage.
Percentage of reduction or increase on the ICMS calculation base

Optionally, specify the percentage of reduction on the ICMS calculation basis. Specify a negative value for a reduction and a positive value for an increase.

Repasse discount Specify the percentage of repasse (discount).
Fiscal benefit Specify the fiscal benefit code in the UF that is applied to the item. This information is used in the <cBenef> element in layout group 1 for products and services in the NFe XML file.

Specify the ICMS FCP rate.

If the tax code is not set to 10, 70 or 90, then this field is used for FCP calculation on interstate transactions.