When browsing on a field, and you do not override the standard browse, BROWSEMI uses the transactions SearchValues or LstValues to display values. SearchValues is used if a browsable field has search allowed, otherwise LstValues is used. As a designer, you can see if a browsable field has search allowed by opening the M3 Metadata Publisher and run BROWSEMI/LstParameters for that field.

If a field has search allowed, you need to use a wildcard (*) when searching for your record in the browse window. Otherwise, you might not see the records you expect. If you have fields where browse is used a lot, consider adding a custom browse to the fields using LstValues to make the user experience for the end user consequent.

This is an example of BROWSEMI:

Two fields are used as specific search fields in a data grid. Both of them are browsable (lookup) fields. One is Credit department reference (CDRC), and the other is Payer (PYNO). When running BROWSEMI/LstParameters, you see that CDRC does not have search allowed, while PYNO has. Therefore, LstValues is used to display data when browsing on CDRC, and SearchValues is used to display data when browsing on PYNO.