Creating an application

You can use templates to create an application in Experience Designer.

  1. From the designer dashboard, click + New Application.
  2. In the New Application dialog box, specify this information:
    Specify a name for the application. See Naming recommendation for an application.
    Short Name
    Specify a short name of the application that is used to run the program and to connect the application to the M3 menu in (MNS110). The short name must be unique and not more than 10 characters.
    This field is filled automatically after providing a name and a short name for the application.
    Optionally, provide a description for the application.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select one of these templates:
    • Blank
    • Header with Tabs
    • Index List
    • Index Details
    • Index Details and Tabs
  5. To add components, click +. See Application configuration.