Designer dashboard properties

This table shows the available properties for each application on the designer dashboard:
Property Description
Title Full name of the application.
Short Name You can use the short name to connect the application to the M3 menu in (MNS110). You can also start an application by pressing Ctrl + R and specifying the short name of the application. The short name is limited to 10 characters only.
Version Numeric identifier that is used to track the updates of the application.
Status New applications are automatically saved in Draft status.

Other statuses you can use in the designer dashboard are Ready for approval, which means that the application is ready for testing, and Approved, which means that the development and testing of the application are complete.

After the application is approved, you can continue working on it in the Administration dashboard where you can find other statuses like Ready for publish and Published.

Last Edited Shows the date when an application is last modified.
Locked By Shows the user who checked out the application. When you create a new application, it is automatically checked out to you. Only the user who checked out the application can save changes to the application.
Created By Shows who created the application.