Creating Data Service using API Gateway

  1. On the application, click the Manage Data Services icon.
  2. In the Data Services Configuration window, click + Add.
  3. Specify a name for the data service. See Naming recommendation for data services.
  4. Optionally, provide a description for the data service.
  5. To create a transaction, click + Add.
  6. Specify the name of transaction.
  7. In the Type field, select API Gateway.
  8. Click the Properties tab and specify this information:
    API suite
    To view the list of API suites, click the browse icon and select from the suite list.
    To view the list of valid rest paths or transactions, click the browse icon and select from the path list.
  9. Click the Input tab and specify this information:
    If input is required, select a component or dialog from which the input value is retrieved. To display a source in the source list, the components and dialog windows must exist with component IDs. If a source is not yet in the source list, create a source and specify a component ID. To use user related information as input, select User Context as the source, and the user data you need to use in Source field.
    Source Field
    Select a field from the source you specified to use it as an input.
    You can specify a hard-coded value such as a number or a letter. You can also customize the input value based on which record is selected by specifying the Source and the Source Field in the {componentID.SourceField} format in the Value column.
    For example, using API transactions connected to CLM, a data service is required to show the basic information about the items in a form component. The information shown in the form is based on which customer account is selected in the index list that contains a list of customer accounts. The component ID of the index list is IndexList_Accounts. This is the configuration of the data service:
    API suite
    Select M3MOBCORE.
    Select /Account/Get/AccountDetails.
    Specify IndexList_Accounts.
    Source field
    Specify AccountID.
  10. Click Save in the Data Services Configuration window.
  11. Click the Save button on the application.