Searching for configuration items

  1. On the Search tab, click Search By System Configuration..
  2. In the Keywords field, specify a keyword to search.
  3. Select the MDP BE System to use.
  4. Select an entity: Configuration Item.
  5. Click the link to More Options for additional search filter.
  6. Click Search.
    On the Search Result tab, the total match of the selected entity and a data list containing this information are displayed:
    Configuration Item Name
    The name of the configuration item.
    The description of the configuration item.
    The components of the configuration item.
    Source Code
    The source code of a selected configuration item.
  7. Use these options to manage the results:
    • To sort the results alphabetically, click the sort icon in one or more column headings.
    • To filter the results, click the Filter Menu icon in the last column and type a dynamic free text filter for each column.
    • To export the search results to Excel, click the Export table to Excel icon.
  8. To view configuration items relations, click a configuration item name.