Conditional styling
Conditional styling is available in the index list, details header, form, and data grid components. The conditional styling is connected to a specific application and not a specific user.
The types of styling differ a little between the components. This list shows the components with their respective styling:
- Application header: field color, text color, text weight, text style, and tooltips. Tooltips do not work yet for lookup fields in the application header.
- Index list: field color, text color, text weight, text style, text alignment, text override, tooltips, icons, icon color, and icon position.
- Details header: field color, text color, text weight, text style, text alignment, text override, tooltips, icons, icon color, and icon position.
- Form: field color, text color, text weight, text style, and tooltips. Tooltips do not work yet for lookup fields in forms.
- Data grid: field color, text color, text weight, text style, text alignment, text override, tooltips, icons, icon color, icon position, and links.
Add conditional styling to an application: