
The Processes page shows the all the processes related to the specified agreement.

These tables show the elements for processes, process groups and properties, and group details:
Process Description
Move Up Moves the selected process up.
Move Down Moves the selected process down
Edit Opens the editing page for the selected process.
Delete Deletes the selected process.
Add (+) Adds a process. Select a mapping for the process after this step and click Add.
Process Groups and Properties Description
Indicator Shows an icon for the type of process.
Key Shows the key type of the process property.
Value Shows the value of the process.
Selecting a process group lists all of its properties in the Group Details table.
Group Details Description
Key Shows the key type of the agreement group.
Value Shows the value of the agreement group keys.
This table shows a grouped listing of available process steps:
Process steps Available to error handling Available to regular process
Apply Envelope Yes Yes
File To File Transfer BOD No Yes
File Transfer BOD To File No Yes
Modify Flat Records No Yes
Remove Envelope Yes Yes
Reorder No Yes
Send Yes Yes
Split Redetect No Yes
XML To Flat No Yes
XML Transform Yes Yes
XSL Transform Yes Yes