Prerequisites to managing M3 BE data

Note: These prerequisites only apply to exporting and importing data, not to deleting company and updating database.
  • To export or import M3 BE data, an M3 Cloud File Transfer (CFT) Client installation is required. Zip, dct, and dctmeta files with the exported data are stored in the M3FILES path that is configured during the CFT Client installation. This same path is used during import. The full path that these tools use is [M3FILES]\MvxFileTransfer\BEDataMgmt.

    Note: You can use the M3 Business Engine Files administration tool to manage the BEDataMgmt folder.

    See Managing M3 BE files.

  • Templates for export are stored in [M3FILES]\MvxFileTransfer\BEDataMgmt\templates\export.

  • Templates for Import from Database functionality are stored in [M3FILES]\MvxFileTransfer\BEDataMgmt\templates\copy.
  • Log files are stored in [M3FILES]\MvxFileTransfer\BEDataMgmt\log.


Infor only supports export/import on company or division level. No tables without a company field are exported/imported. Before using the tool, consider these limitations:

  • Company export/import: Only tables with a company field are included. Note that we do not verify if company field is in the unique key.

  • Division export/import: Only tables that has both a company field AND a division field are included. Note that we do not verify that these two fields are in the unique key.

  • The user must know which companies and divisions that exists in the environment and what tables to select during export.

  • All tables available in the exported data zip file or file collection are used with the company/division filter that is given during import.

Tables excluded from import/export

Currently, these tables are blocked from Export and Import:
These tables are selectable in the list of tables but they are never included in the export or import of data.

Import strategy

We recommend that the default import strategy Keep existing records is used. We also recommend to skip the Allow data mismatch option, which allows the format of the existing table and the imported data to differ without reporting back any errors.