Publishers and Subscribers section

The Publishers list view shows a list of names of all registered publishers for the Event Hub. This section consists of these list views:

  • Publishers
  • Subscribers

The Publishers list view shows a list of names of all registered publishers for the Event Hub.

This table shows the buttons in the Publishers and Subscribers list views:

Button Definition
Refresh Publishers Click the refresh button to refresh the list of publishers.
Filter publishers on selected subscribers Click to only view the selected subscribers' publishers.
Note:  You can select several subscribers.
Refresh Subscribers Click the refresh button to refresh the list of subscribers.
Filter subscribers on selected publishers Click to only view the selected publishers' subscribers.
Note: You can select several publishers.
Skip Events Click this button to skip processing events based on subscription and filter criteria when there is an estimated backlog queue buildup for a subscriber.
Note: Skip Events is not supported for the DLP or EventAnalytics subscribers. Only users with EVENTHUB-Administrator role can use this feature.

To only view publishers publishing events to one or more subscribers, select one or more subscribers in the Subscribers list view and click the Filter button for the Publishers list view. To show all publishers again, click the No Filter button for the Publishers list view.

Note: There is no status available for publishers (producers) in Kafka®.

This table shows the columns for the Subscribers list view:

Column Description
Subscriber A list of names of all registered subscribers for the Event Hub.
Status A green color indicates that the subscriber is OK. A gray color indicates that no subscriber instances are connected.
Estimated backlog Estimated number of events to be processed.
Note: There might be events with non-matching subscriptions persisted in the partitions. There might also be internal administration events. As these events also count, you cannot give an exact figure for number of events to be processed.

To only view subscribers subscribing to events published by one or more publishers, select one or more publishers in the Publishers list view and click the Filter button for the Subscribers list view. To show all subscribers again, click the No Filter button for the Subscribers list view.

Note: Sessions in Event Analytics are grouped and shown as separate subscribers. Their subscriber names start with "EventAnalytics."

You can use the column Estimated backlog to determine a possible buildup of non-processed events for subscribers.