Published Event tab

The purpose of this tab is to manage the published events. A received event must match all criteria given in the Filtering tab to publish a new event.

The Published Event tab consists of these groups:
  • Event
  • Key Value

This table shows the fields that are part of the Event group:

Fields Description
Publisher The publisher name is always "EventAnalytics".

This field is read-only and is only displayed for clarity.

Copy document name Select this option if the document name for the published events must be copied from received events.
Document The document name for the published events.

This field is required if Copy document name is not selected. Otherwise, this field is disabled.

See the information about document names required when using time and event correlation in Correlation rules.

Copy operation Select this option if the operation for the published events must be copied from the received events.

If more than one operation is selected for the received events, published events may have different operations for the same rule.

Operations Select the operation for the published events. You can only select one from these operations: Create, Update, Delete, Start, Exit, Fail, Request, and Response.

This field is required if Copy operation is not selected. Otherwise, this field is disabled.

See the information about operations required when using time and event correlation in Correlation rules.

This table shows the fields that are part of the Key Value group:
Fields Description
Use default key value Select this option if the key value field for the published event should use a default value.
Fields Fields to be included in the key value field for the published events.

The fields must first be defined in the Field Metadata field list in the Subscribed Event tab before you can add them to this field list.

If Use default key value is selected, this field list is disabled.