BOD naming rules

You must follow certain rules when naming BODs.

These naming rules apply for main BOD maps:

<Any Prefix>_<BOD Noun>_<BOD Verb>_<In or Out>_<Any Suffix>

These naming rules apply for error BOD maps:

<Any Prefix>_<BOD Noun>_<BOD Verb>_Error_<In or Out>_<Any Suffix>

These are some examples of BOD types:

Description Sample Classification Result
Conforms with [{Any_String}_[Valid Verb]_[Valid Direction]] M3BOD_Shipping_Acknowledge_In M3 BOD Supported if the BOD type has the verb "Process" and direction "In"
Starts with any prefix, other than M3BOD.

Conforms with [{Any_String}_{Any_String}_[Valid Verb]_[Valid Direction]]

Test_NonAck_Acknowledge_Out NON M3 BOD, but valid BOD Supported if the BOD type has the verb "Process" and direction "In"
Does not conform with [{Any_String}_{Any_String}_[Valid Verb]_[Valid Direction]] pattern



NON-BOD Not supported