
The Communication page contains several functions for managing communication channels:

  • You can change the status of a channel through the Channel Control link. An icon is displayed on each channel indicating the channel state.

    For specific communication channels, you can view or save a copy of the logs, but log details are limited only from the channel's last startup time. To view the logs per channel from the last restart, access the server's channel control page. You can only review logs in the Communication page.

    You can perform these tasks from the Channel control link:

    • Stop a specific channel from receiving incoming messages using the Pause link. Pause may take several seconds to take effect.
    • Start a specific channel from receiving incoming messages using the Resume link.
    • This table shows the present state of each communication channel that you can view:
      State Definition
      RUNNING Shows an active channel that is communicating. Event Hub channels use this term.
      ACTIVE / REGISTERED / CONNECTED Shows an active channel that is communicating. This is specific for Event Hub channels.
      ACTIVE / REGISTERED / DISCONNECTED Shows a channel that has stopped communication. This is specific for Event Hub channels.
      DISCONNECTED Shows a channel that has stopped communication. Event Hub channels also use this term when there is no subscription.
      PAUSED Shows a channel that has paused communication.
      FAILED Shows a channel that has communication issues.
    • Reject duplicate messages with the same receive file or payload in the IMSBODIn channel by selecting the Duplicate Checking check box. Duplicate messages have a Message rejected state.
      Note: Duplicate checking is enabled by default, and Message ID is the default duplicate checking setting. You can enable or disable duplicate checking in the Communication page. You can also change the Message ID setting in the Settings page.
    • Process duplicate messages in the IMSBODIn channel by clearing the Duplicate Checking check box.
      Note: Previous messages are not identified if the user switches to message ID, uses the DocID Controller, and has sent previous messages to IEC. These messages are only received again if Message ID is used to check for duplicates instead of Message.

Messages received through the IMSIn Ordered channel are held in an ordering queue. You can sort these messages by ensuring that the ionVariationId is sent from the sending system to ION and the ionVariationId is sent from ION to IEC.

You cannot configure the ionVariationId in ION.