Adding an application to the M3 menu

  1. Open 'Feature List. Open' (CMS975) and confirm that the feature 2267135 is active. Ensure to activate the feature 2267135 so that the new function category APP is available in 'Function. Open' (MNS110).
  2. Open 'Function. Open' (MNS110) and create a record.
  3. Specify the application's short name in the Function field of the record.
  4. In the Component group field, specify the menu group where you can add the application.
  5. In the Function category field, specify APP.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Description field, specify the name of the application to display in the menu.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Open 'Menu. Open' (MNS111) and select the '1' sorting order.
  10. In the Menu field, specify the menu group where you can add the application.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Add your application to the menu group. The first column, which is the menu option, is used to determine where the application is located in the menu.
  13. Close all programs.
  14. Log out and log in again.