Flat File Definition Editor user interface
The user interface of the Flat File Definition Editor is composed of several tabs and views.
In addition to these views tabs and complementary views, Properties and Flat File Definition Console are also available.
Here is a list of Flat File Definition editor user interface components.
Definition Tab
This tab contains Message Definition Tree and Flat File Template Text Editor.
Message Definition Tree View
This tree view is part of the Definition tab and shows the message structure of a flat file. You can define the structure of a flat file using components such as Message, Group, and Record and Field.
Flat File Template editor
This text editor is part of Definition tab shows the structure of a template flat file from which you can create a flat file definition. You can load a template flat file from local file system using the Load button located at the upper right of the Flat File Definition Editor.
Sample Flat File + XML Tab
This tab contains the Sample Flat File view and Sample XML view.
Sample Flat File view
This view is part of Sample Flat + XML tab and shows a preview of the output from an XML-to-flat transformation. This is auto-generated when you click on the tab. Changes made in the Message Definition tree view is reflected in this view.
Sample XML view
This view is part of Sample Flat + XML tab and shows a preview of the output from a flat-to-XML transformation. This is auto-generated as changes in the Message Definition tree view is reflected in this view. You can also save the sample XML file to disk.XML Schema view
This view shows a preview the XML schema that defines the format of the sample XML. You can generate a schema from the Tools menu. You can save the sample XSD to disk and use it when you define a mapping.
Properties view
This view shows the properties of components selected in the tree view. You can set a value for each property but some properties can have a default value defined on the message level. Some properties are mandatory and some are optional.
Flat File Definition Console view
This view shows import, save, delete, update, activate, and deactivate flat file definition server operation information.