Processing skipped events

If you by mistake have generated a lot of events, for example through the M3 program Initial Load.Open (EVS006) for initial load through BODs, and it takes a long time to process these events, normally in IEC, you can use skip events to prevent these events from being processed by the subscriber application. Technically, the skipped events are consumed in Kafka® as usual, but they are not received by the subscriber application. You can view skipped events in the Browse Events tab. This functionality resides in Event Hub, so you must not take any action in the subscriber application.

Only queued events when you save the subscriptions for events to skip are skipped according to the given subscription and filtering criteria. Events published after this time are not skipped.
Note: You cannot unskip the skipped events. You must regenerate the original events in the publisher application if you later need to process skipped events. Skip Events is not supported for the DLP or EventAnalytics subscribers.
  1. Select Administration Tools > Event Hub.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Select a subscriber with an estimated backlog greater than zero in the Subscribers list view. The subscriber cannot be a DLP or an EventAnalytics subscriber.
    The Skip Events button is enabled.
  4. Click Skip Events to display the Skip Events For Subscriber <selected subscriber> window.
  5. Click Add to display the Add Subscription For Events To Skip window.
  6. Select a publisher in the Publisher field. Only publishers publishing events to the selected subscriber are shown.
  7. Select a document in the Document field. Only documents for the selected publisher, and subscribed by the selected subscriber, are displayed.
  8. Select one or more operations. Only operations for the selected publisher and document, subscribed by the selected subscriber, are selectable.
    You cannot select a publisher, document, and operation that is already selected for another subscription for the selected subscriber.
  9. Optionally, specify filtering criteria for the events to skip. Only events matching this filtering criteria are skipped.
    The field is a multiline text area that is vertically resizable. Click the lower right corner to adjust the height of the text area. Filtering criteria use the same syntax and functions as filtering criteria in Event Analytics. Note that there is no validation on field names. All fields are handled as having the type string.
  10. If you specify filtering criteria, click Validate to validate them.
    You cannot add a subscription having invalid filtering criteria.
  11. Carefully read the text in the right part of the window.
    Note: You must fully understand this functionality, as the subscriber application does not receive the skipped events, which effectively means that business information is not processed.
  12. Click Add to add the subscription.
    The Skip Events For Subscriber <selected subscriber> window is displayed. The added subscription is displayed in the list. Publisher, document, and operations are shown. The check box in the filtering column is selected if filtering criteria are specified.
    Note: At this point, nothing is saved in Event Hub, and skip events is not in progress.
  13. Optionally, click Add to add another subscription. Repeat steps 6 to 12.
  14. Optionally, select a subscription and click Edit to update it. You cannot update the publisher or the document.
  15. Optionally, select a subscription and click Delete to delete it.
  16. Click Save to save the subscriptions.
    Note: Carefully read the text in the displayed confirmation dialog.
  17. Click Yes to save the subscriptions for events to skip. Click No to cancel the operation.
    When the subscriptions are saved, the list of subscriptions is refreshed. If there no longer are any events to skip, the list of subscriptions is empty.
  18. Optionally, click Refresh to refresh the list of saved subscriptions.
  19. Click Close to close the Skip Events For Subscriber <selected subscriber> window.
    The Subscribers list is refreshed automatically. The selected subscriber remains selected.
    The estimated backlog normally decreases rapidly, depending on the saved subscription and filtering criteria, and which events are queued.

    This icon shows beside the estimated backlog value while events are being skipped:

    in-progress-linear icon

  20. Click Refresh subscribers to view the estimated backlog decrease.
    When all events are skipped, up to the time when you saved the subscriptions in point 17, the icon disappears when you refresh. The saved subscription and filtering criteria for events to skip are automatically deleted.