Handling updates of IDM content for M3 output management

New or updated Infor Document Management (IDM) content for M3 output management is downloaded from the Cloud File Transfer Agent Administration page. Word layouts are added to the document type M3 Layout Templates.

See KB1974263, attachment M3 Reports and Documents with Configurable XML_9999-99-99.xlsx (where 9999-99-99 is the last update date) for details about which printer files are included.

  1. In Infor M3, select Administration Tools > Cloud File Transfer Agent Administration .
  2. Click Download Contents.
  3. Select the M3BE IDM Content.
  4. Click Download. A .zip file with the content is downloaded to your PC or server.
  5. Extract the content.zip file.
  6. Extract each of the M3BE_xxx_M3BE_IDM_CONTENT.zip .zip files, where xxx stands for the delivery unit. MVX is the default.
  7. Import each of the LayoutTemplates_y.xml files into Infor Document Management. The xml files are split into several files due to size restrictions in Document Management. See the Excel file in KB1974263 for details about which printer files each xml file contains.
    Note: To open the import tool in Infor Document Management, click Control Center and select Administration > Import/Export. Make sure that your user has an IDM role that allows Create (in the ACL role list) for the document type M3 layout templates.