Enabling LSP Direct for FBMs
You can enable LSP Direct to send the FBM proprietary format using LSP connector through LSP webservices gateway. This process uses different configuration with the Enabling M3 Financial Business Messages (M3 FBM) per country setup and is generic to all FBMs that are using the LSP Direct. You must only set up this configuration once.
These mappings are used in LSP direct functionality:
- M3FBM_ES_In_ProcessResponse_LROE240_FacturasRecibidas, use with M3FBM_LCLFileTransferIn
- M3FBM_ES_Out_OnlineVATReport_LROE_FacturasRecibidas, use with M3FBM_LCLFileTransferOut
- M3FBM_PL_In_ProcessResponse_KSeF_FA2, use with M3FBM_LCLFileTransferIn
- M3FBM_PL_Out_eInvoicing_KSeF_2024, use with M3FBM_LCLFileTransferOut
- M3FBM_PL_In_SupplierInvoices_KSeF_2025, use with M3FBM_LCLFileTransferIn
Note: To
download the data flows, you must have the M3BE-FndAdmin IFS security