Configuring M3 application settings for ProcessWorkflow
M3 can publish a ProcessWorkflow BOD that can start a workflow in ION.
The ProcessWorkflow BOD publishes this information:
- WorkflowDefinitionCode: This is the name of the workflow in ION that should be started.
- Property/NameValue: M3 data is published in the /Property/NameValue element in the BOD, with the M3 field
name as attribute and the M3 field value as element. There are two different sets of data:
- Data that is related to the
application message (CMAILB M3 table)
- Message ID (CBMLID)
- Message receiver (CBREC2)
- Message text (CBMSGT): The message text from M3 may be a maximum of 180 characters long, the NameValue element in the BOD a maximum of 64 characters. Therefore, the message text from M3 is published in up to three different NameValue elements with the MSGT1, MSGT2 and MSGT3 attribute names.
- Data that is related to the
M3 record that triggered the application message:
- M3 publishes the key
values for the record that triggered the application message. Note: For this set of M3 data, the field name is published without the M3 table prefix. For example, the field name of the item number is published as ITNO and not as MMITNO. This simplifies using the data in the ION workflow to call an M3 API.
- M3 publishes the key
values for the record that triggered the application message.
- Data that is related to the
application message (CMAILB M3 table)