Importing a division
Note: Division copy should
only be done within the same environment.
- On the Business Engine Data Management page, click the Import tab.
- Select a component.
- Select the data zip file or file collection to import.
- Click Import. The Import data window is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Source company
Specify the company available in the data zip file or file collection Only the tables where company=<the specified value> are imported.
- Target company
Specify a target company. During division import you should have a target company that already exists in the environment.
- Filter on division
Select Filter on division.
- Source division
Specify the division available in the data zip file or file collection. Only the tables where division=<the specified value> are imported.
- Target division
Specify a target division.
Usually, you do not require the central division (blank division) to be included. This should already exist in the environment.
Select an import strategy:
- Keep existing records: The record that exists in both source and target are left unchanged in the target.
- Replace existing records: The records in target that have a duplicate in source are replaced by the ones imported. For example, tables like MITBAL that has CONO and WHLO as key but also a DIVI field not in key, are replaced during import.
- Clear target table: The tool clears the target tables of all entries that match the target company and division before import. If the check box Include central division is selected, the tool clears entries that contain the specified company and the central division.
- Skip the Allow data mismatch option (It allows the format of the existing table and the imported data to differ without causing any errors.)
- Click Import. A BE Data Management Import job is submitted.
- Click Job Overview to go to the Job Overview tab. See Viewing and managing M3 Business Engine data management jobs. When the job is finished, the data has been imported into the database.