
You can view and manage failed messages using the Retry/Redetect link. All messages are sorted by Receive Time. To filter messages by Partner/Agreement in Retry/Redetect, select Agreement Retry/Redetect Messages > Partner and Agreement > View > Show.

In Redetect, the current message is redetected and no further processing is done. Redetect process step is equivalent to sending a message from IEC, back into IEC.

Use these guidelines:

  • Messages such as Detect, Send, Validate, XML transform in failed state are filtered, except for Receive Failed and Message Rejected states.
  • Redetect All helps correct message errors that might occur if messages are incorrectly configured in any of these areas:
    • Routing
    • Processing
    • Classpaths for generated transformation

    In message reprocess, incoming messages are stored persistently. In some cases, you do not need to reprocess a message. For example, when a partially processed message caused an external system, such as M3, to update and commit data that has not been rolled back, then you must manually verify the message.

  • The Redetect All, Retry All, and Verify All actions apply only to messages in current view.