String literals
You can use escape sequences for string literals for the properties Record Separator and Replacement string. This works just like when you hard code strings in Java; you enter \t for the tab character, \n for the line feed character, \u001e for the Unicode character hex 1e and others.
\b |
\u0008: backspace BS |
\t |
\u0009: horizontal tab HT |
\n |
\u000a: line feed LF |
\f |
\u000c: form feed FF |
\r |
\u000d: carriage return CR |
\\ |
\u005c: backslash \ |
\uhhhh |
\u0000 to \uffff: Unicode value |
These are Unicode values. The actual file may use another character encoding. When reading a file, the character encoding is converted from the file’s default encoding to Unicode. When writing a new file, the character encoding is converted back from file’s encoding. Therefore, a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal value, representing a character as given in the specification, may not match the Unicode value that represents the character since specifications normally refer to the character encoding used by the flat file. Similar functionality for string literals also exists for regular expressions. For more information, see the Javadoc.