Viewing and searching using M3CE About
M3CE About shows you the M3 components available and the recent versions released. Each component shows multiple recent and current versions along with any important information on these versions. You can also expand or collapse M3 component names to reduce the amount of information on the page, by clicking on the triangular button adjacent the M3 component names.
Specify the search information in one of the several search
fields in the upper part of M3CE About page.
- Component
- Shows search results based on the M3 component name
- Version
- Shows search results based on the M3 component version
- Activation Date
- Shows search results based on the M3 component version's activation date
- Module
- Shows search results based on the M3 component module
- Summary
- Shows search results based on the M3 component's version summary
- Issue Type
- Shows search results based on the M3 component issue type
- Issue Reference
- Shows search results based on the M3 issue reference. Infor JIRA shows the issue key. Lawson JIRA shows the JIRA ticket number.
- Externally Reported
- Shows externally reported values to identify who created the ticket. Externally reported shows "Y" for a customer reported ticket and "N", if not.
- Net Change Report shows the NCR number where the new feature or enhancement was implemented. Consult this NCR for more details on the update.
- Feature Type
- Shows the information regarding the feature type implemented. The feature type
is commonly used for M3 BE Applications. There are five types of
features, labeled 1 to 5.
- 1 - Zero Impact
- 2 - Functional Setting
- 3 - Feature Toggle
- 4 - Scheduled
- 5 - Immediately
Clicking the link shows the Feature Information window which contains these details:Item Definition Description Shows the feature's description. Application Module Shows the feature's application module. Country Shows what country the feature is applicable. Knowledge Base Shows the link to the feature's corresponding published KB article. Released Shows if the feature has been released. Released shows "Y" if Yes and "N" if No. Configuration Component Shows the feature's configuration component. Completion Date Shows the feature's completion date. Update Schedule Shows the feature's update schedule.
- Press Enter to show the result.
- To search for M3 components with Dependency issue type, click the Display All tab.
- Specify Dependency in the Issue Type search filter and press Enter to show the result.