Managing M3 BE data

There are several ways to maintain data in the M3 Business Engine (M3 BE) database:

  • Export data on company or division level.
  • Import data on company or division level.
  • Delete a specific company.
  • Update data by modifying the content of a specific record.

To maintain data in the M3 BE database, select Administration Tools > Business Engine Data Management from the Infor M3 menu in Infor OS Portal. You must be connected to the Security role M3BE-DBAdmin, M3BE-DBAdmin-ReadToken or M3BE-DBViewer.

  • To maintain data by using the tools, the role M3BE-DBAdmin is required.
  • To manage read access for importing data from an environment, the role M3BE-DBAdmin-ReadToken is required.
  • To view data through the Update Database tool, the role M3BE-DBViewer is required.
  • To update data and view event logs through the Update Database tool, the role M3BE-DBAdmin is required.