Custom mapping error messages

This table shows the possible error messages that you can encounter when working with BOD mappings:
Error message Description
An agreement cannot be generated when a multiple acknowledge error map having the same noun exists. This error happens when multiple versions of the same noun exist (for example, Itemmaster). To solve this, you must ensure that there are no other similar nouns.
An agreement cannot be generated yet. No available Acknowledge Error Mapping for Inbound Process Mapping with noun, exists.

This error happens when you try to publish a Process_In mapping without a matching Acknowledge_Error mapping.

A similar prefix is not required for a mapping to be published, it only requires the same noun. To solve this, you must have the same noun.

For example, Noun=ItemMaster

An agreement cannot be generated yet, please create a custom inbound process mapping for the noun. This error happens when you publish the error map first. To solve this, you must have a custom agreement to go with it, such as a Process_In map.