Hot keys for list panels

The hot keys listed in this section are applicable only when you are in a list panel.

To apply a specific option to the selected rows, you must keep the Ctrl key pressed until the option is selected.

Keystroke Action

fn + Left Arrow (in Mac OS)

Selects the first record

fn + Right Arrow (in Mac OS)

Moves toward the end of a list in larger increments

fn + Delete (in Mac OS)

Removes a selected record from a list
Shift + Down Arrow Includes the next row in the selection
Shift + Up Arrow Includes the previous row in the selection
Shift + Page Down

fn + Shift + Down Arrow (in Mac OS)

Selects the cells on the page below the cell in focus
Shift + Page Up

fn + Shift + Up Arrow (in Mac OS)

Selects the cells on the page above the cell in focus
Ctrl + D Opens the Edit Panel Sequence dialog box in Direct Change mode
Ctrl + L Moves the focus to the list
Ctrl + Down Arrow

control + command + Down Arrow (in Mac OS)

Keeps the selection and moves the cursor one row down
Ctrl + Up Arrow

control + command + Up Arrow (in Mac OS)

Keeps the selection and moves the cursor one row up
Ctrl + Space Includes the row in focus in the selection (to get a split selection)
Ctrl + [number] Selects an option from the Options menu or from the Related menu
Ctrl + [number] + Up/Down Arrow Moves to the next/previous valid option
Ctrl + [number] + Backspace


Ctrl + [number] + Delete

Cancels the last number specified
Ctrl + Backspace Cancels the last number specified
Ctrl + F11 Shows or hides the extra row in an expandable list
Page Down

fn + Down Arrow (in Mac OS)

Scrolls one page down in a list

Page Up

fn + Up Arrow (in Mac OS)

Scrolls one page up in a list
Up Arrow Moves the cursor upwards
Down Arrow Moves the cursor downwards
Left Arrow Scrolls to the left
Right Arrow Scrolls to the right
Tab Moves focus to the next editable cell in an editable list
Shift + Tab Moves focus to the previous cell in an editable list