Data service

Data from one or several API transactions is retrieved by a data service. Through a data service, you can copy, retrieve, update, or delete data. You can also use API transactions in sequence. This means that you can use a transaction’s output as another transaction's input.
Note: Both transactions must be in the same data service for the sequence to work.
M3 Experience Designer has these types of data services:
  • MI: M3 API programs with transactions to list, get, select, update, delete, add, and copy data. M3 API programs is used to display data using either filter only or selection only, both filter and selection, or M3 functional search as input.
  • LISTMI: An API program with a generic list transaction that supports the programs listed in 'List and Printer programs. Configure' (CMS005) and 'Information Browser Category. Open' (CMS010). LISTMI is used to display data using either filter only or selection only, both filter and selection, or M3 functional search as input.