Sync and Show Invoice Common BOD

The Invoice Common BOD supports the publishing of one Invoice BOD for transactions: Sales, Maintenance, Rental, Leasing, Service, Project, and Finance. The solution focuses on the invoices generated by M3, by gathering the invoice data from the various invoicing systems in M3 and storing them in a common set of database tables.

To publish the BOD, the BOD Processor and these rules should be enabled:
Transaction BOD Processor
Customer Order Invoice (FAM function OI20) SyncInvoice for Customer Order

ShowInvoice for Customer Order Invoicing

Fixed Asset Sales (FAM function FA50) SyncInvoice for Fixed Asset Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Fixed Asset Invoicing

Manual Invoice (FAM function AR20) SyncInvoice for Manual Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Manual Invoicing

Project Invoice (FAM function PO20) SyncInvoice for Project Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Project Invoicing

Maintenance Order Invoice (FAM function CO20) SyncInvoice for Maintenance Order Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Maintenance Order Invoicing

Rental Agreement Invoice (FAM function SO20) SyncInvoice for Rental Agreement Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Rental Agreement Invoicing

Leasing Agreement Invoice (FAM function SO20) SyncInvoice for Leasing Agreement Invoicing

ShowInvoice for Leasing Agreement Invoicing

Note: See KB 2077597 for information on how to create Invoice transactions in Business Engine (BE).